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Certificates Services

Trademark Application

Trademark application is a first step of entire trademark registration process where with the basic details of brands and its company is taken and proceeded ahead...

Trademark Objection Reply

After a successful application the department takes a few months to release its examination reports, in the report if the mark is objected then we have to prepare a reply and submit within 30 days...

Trademark Hearing

After a successful reply to the examination reports the mark is whether accepted or put for hearing, in case of hearing, we have prepare all the important documents of the firm and be ready for hearing...

Trademark Opposition Reply

Once your brand is accepted by the department it is generally published for four months, during that time any one from public can oppose you, and once we get opposed we have file the counter reply within 60 days...

Transfer of trademark Ownership

Simple word, trademark assignment is a process through which ownership and rights of the trademark are transferred to other parties or companies with the help of TM-P...

Trademark Misc. Correction

In case of any changes in a registered mark or under process mark, we have to take the help of TM-M application by paying a payment of 900/- rs. to the departments...

Renewal of trademark

Trademark is generally granted for ten years, once the ten years are completed we have to make an application of the renewal of the mark before one hear of its expiry...

TM Name research

Trademark Name research is very first step in the process of filing a trademark, its give you an insight of your brand names with already filed similar or same marks...

Certificates Services

ISO (All types)

ISO is an international organization that develops and publishes standards to ensure product, service, and system quality and reliability. Its standards are based on consensus and used to improve efficiency, competitiveness, and sustainability...

Startup India recognition

Startup India is a government-led initiative to support and boost the Indian startup ecosystem. The Startup India Certificate provides recognition and benefits to eligible startups, including tax exemptions, easier access to funding, and simplified regulations...

MSME Certificates

MSME Certificate is a certification issued by the Indian government to recognize businesses that meet certain criteria for size, investment, turnover. Its holders are eligible for various benefits and incentives, including easier access to loans, subsidies, and protection under the MSME Act...

IE Code (Import & Export)

IE Code, also known as Import-Export Code, is a 10-digit number issued by the DGFT to businesses engaged in import or export of goods. It is mandatory to obtain an IE Code for importing or exporting goods and is required for customs clearance and compliance with various regulations...

GST Certificate

GST certificate is a registration issued by Indian gov't for businesses engaged in supply of goods/services. Mandated for all businesses. Enables charging/collecting GST and claiming GST credits for inputs. Simplifies tax system and boosts revenue for government....

FSSAI Licence

FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India) certificate is a license issued by the Indian government to food businesses to ensure food safety and quality. It is mandatory for all food businesses in India to obtain an FSSAI license and comply with food safety regulations...


Copyright certificate is a legal document issued by the Indian government to protect the rights of creators of original works, such as music, literature, and software. It provides evidence of ownership and exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, and sell the work. Obtaining a copyright certificate in India is optional, but it provides stronger protection and makes enforcement easier in case of infringement...

Bar Code

Bar code certificate is a license issued by the Indian government to businesses that use bar codes for product labeling and identification. It ensures that the bar codes used by businesses comply with Indian and international standards and provides proof of authenticity. Obtaining a bar code certificate in India is mandatory for businesses that use bar codes and helps improve supply chain efficiency and consumer trust...


EPR certificate is a compliance certificate issued by the Indian government to businesses operating in certain industries, such as electronics and packaging. It requires businesses to take responsibility for the end-of-life management of their products and to establish systems for the collection and safe disposal of their waste. Obtaining an EPR certificate in India helps businesses meet their environmental responsibilities...

BIS Licencing

BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) licensing is a certification system in India that ensures that products conform to Indian and international quality standards. BIS license is mandatory for certain products, such as electrical and electronic goods, to be sold in India. Obtaining a BIS license helps ensure product safety and reliability and boosts consumer confidence in the products...

Lab Based Testing Reports

Lab-based testing reports are technical documents issued by certified testing labs in India that verify the quality, safety, and performance of products and materials. The reports provide evidence of compliance with relevant standards and regulations and are used by businesses, government agencies, and consumers to make informed decisions. Lab-based testing reports in India help ensure product quality and safety and contribute to public health and safety....

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